Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My Favorite Sketchblog

Out of all the sketchblogs here, I reviewed there was one in particular that caught my eye. The artist, Alison's works were simple, but detailed enough to inform the audience of her messages. I felt that her tidings were serendipitous discoveries. Each painting expressed her personal childhood memories and ideas of the world. My favorite one of the "memory paintings" collection was entitled Draw a Toe. I was intrigued by it because I could relate to her love of the ground under her feet. I truly felt her connection between freedom and nature. Growing up in Bear Creek, North Carolina, to explore my surrounds without shoes was a norm. I also appreciated the notations of dialogue within the work. I felt that it celebrated and explained the purpose of her creative ideas. The artist used pens and watercolors to illustrate her expressions. It was such that drew me to her work. I have always admired artwork expressed with watercolors.